An Exquisite One Year at Emvigo!

Praise be to Allah!
Today is a great day! I'm completing one year at Emvigo Technologies Today with approximately 58412 lines of codes in 1878 commits over two projects! It's been a great time working with passionate, vibrant and talented team members and the management who cares for the employees!
Emvigo is the first company of this size in my career. I joined Emvigo with a bunch of dreams and goals, Both personal and career. I achieved most of them which were possible in one year period! Thank you Emvigo and my colleagues and beloved Family for all the help and support during my ups and downs.
Thank you Harishma, Ceemol and Nithin for all the help and support from the day one itself. Thank you Sreejith for all the clarifications and helps you provided so far. Thank you Nitheesh, Rakesh, Anju, Anusree, Jimmy and Sinto for making my beginning days so awesome. Special thanks to Anusree for supporting me for increasing the AC temperature 😉. Thank you Muhasin, Frinto, Aditya, Narayanan and Anwar for making the coffee breaks and after coffee tech discussions vibrant!

Thank you Rajmohan and Team for making those awesome trolls during the lock-down tough time which drove me a lot.
Thank you, Nikhil for all the help and support during my ups and downs. Thank you very much for your nice intro to Agile and Scrum which was new to me!
Thank you, Gokul for clarifying all of my questions (including the stupid ones ;-P) even during your busy hours. Thank you Balakrishnan for reviewing my codes and giving me good suggestions which value a lot during my entire career!
Thank you, Nikhil, Jayakrishnan, Gokul, Mebin, Aditya, Narayanan, Ramya, Jimmy and Ajith for all the help and support during my first project Depsta-Xtrax at Emvigo! Thank you Aghish for teaching me the iOS setup and release even during your busy schedules.
Thank you, Sukumar, Anila, Suraj, Jimmy, Manoj and Shiju for all the help and support during SoapMedia! Special
Thanks to Jimmy, Anila and Suraj for all the extra hours and efforts you put for help!
Thank you, Anoop for the great interview experience which I didn't experience before! Thank you very much for all the advice and help from the interview days itself! Thank you very much for finding time for all the help even during your tight schedules.
Thank you, Sanjay and Kenneth for all the help and support even during the toughest times! Thank you for the entire Emvigo family for making my days fascinating and worry-free.
Thank you for all the developers and contributors who enormously helped me in countless GitHub issue threads and Stack overflow QAs! Without you all, I might not be able to write a single line of code!
Last but not the least, heartfelt gratitude to My beloved family for understanding me and my work schedules and adjusting your requirements according to that!
Thank you very much for all my mentors and well-wishers inside and outside my Emvigo for all the advice, help and support you provided so far, without that I might be nowhere today!
Thank you all the human beings I interacted, listened or watched so far in my entire life, you all have ownership on what I'm today both in good and bad ways!
If you think, I missed you to mention explicitly, trust me you are much greater than that and always will be at the bottom of my heart!
Thank you all, and expecting the same...sorry much greater support for the coming days as well.
I pray to Allah that, give me many more incredible years like this with this kind of beautiful people!