Attended #KeralaJS September meetup.
All the sessions were very informative and added a bunch of new things to the to-learn list!
The first session by Ganesh (UX Strategist, UX Problem Solver And Lead UI Designer, Tata Consultancy Services, Infopark Kochi) on Visual Approach to presentation design gave lots of good insights and tips on how a presentation should be. It was detailed and mentioned different terminologies and theories in UX and presentation design.
The second session was by Nithin Chandran (Senior software engineer, KeyValue Systems) on Adopting Typescript. He talked about why TypeScript and how it adds value when Dart or Coffee script-like languages are doing the same thing. The key point was how it is easy to adopt TypeScript for a JavaScript programmer.
The third session was by Mahin on RxJS with a Live Demo. He demonstrated what is RxJS and what sort of capability it adds by things like Operators.
The final extempore session by Praseed Pai Kt about why JavaScript is considered as "Glue" language and why it got designed so (dynamic, prototype-based oop, functional constructs ) with the details of history and facts about the context when JS got originally designed by Brendan Eich.
Thank you KeyValue Systems for such an awesome venue and snacks (;-P). Thank you, Nirmal Vyas and all speakers and attendees for such a beautiful event.